Tuesday, May 08, 2007


I cooked a delicious meal few weeks ago.
It's a vegetarian meal with tou fu, mushroom, and red noodles.
It's meal free ya.
I got this red noodles from Celine's mummy.
If you ever need any organic food... just go for her mummy ya.
I love it so much, finger licking good ~~


r3mUs said...

look not so nice right,bt taste good oh.. kakekakak

Celine Chang said...

hehe.. always always ya..
mummy bring some over for me too.
she arrived usa safely.

Jeannie... said...

heeellooo...Mr Remus, that was from me... i paid that~~ bleh~~~

-------------------- M3 = 我~ ----------------------

--------------------   M3 = 我~   ----------------------
<<<<<< 我...好累哦~很想休息一下``` >>>>>>
<div><a href="http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/4/7/962602/sinian.wma"></a></div>